If anyone else has had a nasty persistent ear-worm brought on by the title of my last post, I am sincerely sorry, and if it's any consolation, I am suffering too. It's currently being used for an advert on British television, which is probably 'inspired' me. I have no memory of what the advert is actually for, but the earworm lasts for days.
Helen, I am reading 'Voices', and have 'The Draining Lake' to come. Previously I have read 'Jar City'/'Tainted Blood' (which I then passed on), and 'Silence of the Grave'. Are there any others? "Scandinavian Detective Novel" is one of those phrases that is practically guaranteed to make me buy a book. There seem to be so many excellent writers in the Nordic countries. For all I know there are as many excellent British authors, but I haven't read a lot of modern British detective fiction. I'm much more at home in the Golden Age, with Allingham and Sayers.
I think we're even on Indridason. Voices was the one I read most recently. They're so sad.
Just to really make your day, I think the song is Disney.
Speaking of Indridason, have you read any Jo Nesbo?
Not yet - I get most of these from charity shops, and have a private theory that someone else with an obsession with Scandinavian detectives but a much greater ability to get rid of books than me lives in the area. But whoever they may be, they don't seem to have got to Jo Nesbo yet.
I have The Redbreast and The Devil's Star. Have you got anything you'd like to swap? Scandinavian detectives or anything else. I've realized that I haven't actually read The Draining Lake. On the other hand, if you can't bear to part with anything, that's all right :)
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