You would think that, but you would be wrong. So it's that old bloggers' stand-by Random Insert-Day-of-the-Week as appropriate. Sunday, in this case. With added pictures to try and cover up the lack of words.
1. Knititch, there weren't any Michael Caine types on my course either. And I've never actually seen Educating Rita, although I read the the beginning of the screenplay in an English lesson years ago. I really should try and record it next time it's on the BBC late at night.
2. Green things keep growing, and I have same tiny baby rocket seedlings. Apparently I can't sow evenly.
3. Next time I decide that I have to have a book Right Now, I might like to try walking not very far up St Giles' Street in Norwich. After all, the last three times I've had that particular urge, I've found the book in question there, after weeks of searching in places that are really no easier to get to. This time, it was 'South Riding', by Winifred Holtby, as part of my current reading theme of women's lives between the wars.
4. I should make cheese scones more often.
5. I managed to complete a piece of knitting without running out of yarn. I was so determined not to run out of yarn that I spent the entire second half of the piece weighing and recalculating every repeat. My calculations suggested that I would end up with one or two grammes of yarn leftover. I had five, enough for another ten repeats of the main pattern. But I didn't run out.
You should also give me the recipe for said scones.
Lovley scarf. I've wondered about doing that pattern but thought I might go mad with bordeom while doing the long stretch in the middle - repeatedly weighing the yarn would be a good way to avoid that.
beautiful scarf. and a great colour.
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